Saturday, September 30, 2006


用慣了Mac機, 家下對住部PC, 0拿手唔成勢...



Friday, September 29, 2006

copybook 2 / Intimacy, Osho

" Love is a state of your consciousness when you are joyous, when there is a dance in your being. Something starts vibrating, radiating, from your center; something starts pulsating around you. It starts reaching people: it can reach women, it can reach men, it can reach rocks and trees and stars.
When i am talkng about love, i am talking about this love: a love that is not a relationship but a state of being. Always remember: Whenever i use the word LOVE, i use it as a state of being, not as a relationship. Relationship is only a minor aspect of it. But your idea of love is basically that of relationship, as if that is all.
Relationship is needed only because you cant be alone, because you are not yet capable of meditation. Hence, meditation is a must before you can really love. One should be capable of being alone, utterly alone, and yet tremendously blissful. Then you can love. Then your love is no longer need but a sharing, no longer a necessity. You will not become dependent on the people you love. You will share- and sharing is beautiful. " (p.47)

" Relationship is a thing: You cling to it. Relating is a flow, a movement, a process. You meet a person, you are loving because you have so much love to give, the more you give, the more you have. Once you have understand this strange arithmetic of love, that the more you give, the more you have... This is just against the economic laws that operate in the outside world. Once you have known that, if you want to have more love and more joy, you give and share, then you simply share. And whatsover allows you to share your joy with him or with her, you feel grateful to him or her. But it is not a relationship; it is a riverlike flow.
The river passes by the side of a tree, saying hello, nourishing the tree, giving water to the tree...and it moves on, dances on. It does not cling to the tree. And the tree does not say. "Where are you going? We are married! And before you can leave me you will need a divorce- at least a separation! Where are you going? And of you were going to leave me, why did you dance so beautifully around me? Why did you nourish me in the first place? " No, the tree showers its flowers onto the river deep gratefulness, and the river moves on. The wind comes and dances around the tree and moves on. And the tree gives its fragrance to the wind.
This is relating. If humanity is ever going to become grown-up, mature, this will be the way of love: people meeting, sharing, moving, a nonpossessive quality, a nondominating quality. Otherwise love becomes a power trip." (p.49-50)




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Wednesday, September 13, 2006



Monday, September 11, 2006

copybook 1 / Intimacy, Osho

" Love starts with self-love. Dont be selfish but be self-full--and they are two different things. Dont be a Narcissus, dont be obsessed with yourself. But a natural self-love is a must, a basic phenomenon. Only then out of it can you love someone else. " (p.105)

" ...Otherwise society succeeds in destorying your roots, in destorying your trust in yourself. And once that is done, you will never be able to trust anybody. Once you are incapable of loving yourself, you will never be able to love anybody. That is an absolute truth, there is no exception to it. You can love others only if you are able to love yourself. But society condemns self-love. It says it is selfishness, it says it is narcissistic.
Yes, self-love can become narcissistic, but it is not necessarily so. it can become narcissistic if it never moves beyond itself, it can become a kind of selfishness if it becomes confined to oneself. Otherwise, self-love is the beginning of all other loves.
A person who loves himself sooner or later starts overflowing with love. A person who trusts himself cannot distrust anybody, even those who are going to deceive him, even those who are already deceived him. Yes, he cannot even distrust them because now he knows trust is far more valuable than anything else.
You can cheat a person-but of what can you cheat him? You can take some money or something else from him. But the man who knows the beauty of trust will not be distracted by these small things. He will still love you, he will still trust you. And then a miracle happens: If a person really trusts you, it is impossible to cheat him, almost impossible.
It happens everyday in your life, too. Whenever you trust somebody, it becomes impossible for him to cheat you, to deceive you. Sitting on the platform in a railway station, you dont know the person who is sitting by your side- he is a stranger, a complete stranger-and you say to him, "Please just watch my luggage. I have to go to purchase a ticket." And you go. You trust an absolute stranger. But it almost never happens that the stranger deceives you. He could have deceived you if you had not trusted him.
Trust has a magic in it. How can he deceive you now that you have trusted him? How can he fall so low? He will never be able to forgive himself if he deceives you.
There is an intrinsic quality in human consciousness to trust and to be trusted. Everybody enjoys being trusted. It is respect from the other person-and when you trust a stranger it is more so. There is no reason to trust him, and still you trust him. You raise the man to such a high perdestal, you value the man so much, it is almost impossible for him to fall from that height. And if he falls, he will never be able to forgive himself, he will have to carry the weight of guilt his whole life.
A man who trusts himself comes to know the beauty of it comes to know that the more you trust yourself, the more you bloom, the more you are in a state of let-go and relaxation, the more you settled and serene, the more you are calm, cool, and quiet. And it is so beautiful that you start trusting more and more people because the more you trust, the more your clamness deepens; your coolness goes deeper and deeper to the very core of your being, And the more you trust, the more your soar high. A man who can trust will sooner or later know the logic of trust. And then one day he is bound to try to trust the unknown.
Start trusting yourself- that is the fundamental lesson, the first lesson. Start loving yourself, If you dont love yourself, who else is going to love you? But remember, if you ONLY love yourself, your love will be very poor. " (p.29-31)


Sunday, September 10, 2006




我作了一些夢, 不很奇怪, 只是我無法不去聯想這些夢與大師跟我說的話的關係。

Saturday, September 09, 2006


二十出頭的, 都應該去看!值得!

Friday, September 08, 2006


Mongolia@06 Summer
Originally uploaded by wallis.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


當戲咁睇, 笑下說算

還有simpson大師話, 要keep住有positive thought!!!

Sunday, September 03, 2006



Saturday, September 02, 2006


